Another observation is that the more “educated” the person, the stronger the apologist.

Good on you 👍

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Yes this is a really common thing, I usually call it out when I see it as an "assumption of intellectual superiority", because that's exactly what it is. Very arrogant!

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> "There was a lady recently who was complaining about “abuse” online. I saw what she’d been targeted with and I was a bit outraged. Not by the abuse, but by the fact that it wasn’t really abuse and that she was getting quite hurt about very little."

emotionally jousting in virtual arenas owned by billionaires, generating millions of mb worth of shit big data for some cooker cunt's technocracy frankenstein wetdreams can be fun.

I'm kinda hollowing out on it though as I see more and more ping-ponging between two supposed opposing sides.. yet in real life some penta-jabbed Karen wears a short skirt in an office environment to show off her cutaneous vasculitis like it aint no big thang https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanrhe/article/PIIS2665-9913(21)00309-X/fulltext

Crumble crumble, dumb ass cunts with their jabs. I'm trying to visualize what it'd sound like, just you know saying the truth plain-faced to jabby karens and blotchy faced broken brokers. Even my family are starting to notice how dissimilar things are appearing. ABC News 24hr channel was playing ads for vampire movies today??? One of them was Anne Rice's "Interview with a Vampire" but an adaption where Lestat is African American!

They broadcast the ESG-driven self-harm inducing schizophrenic agenda incessantly but the audience may yet awaken. Let's hope (or better yet, use some of the ole' nudge nudge theory), that they turn into vengeful homicidal guerilla fighters and violently destroy them enlightened oppressors!

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